Electing to Do Right

Elections are tricky. If you are like me, you are well aware that an election is looming on the horizon. We are reminded of the special honor of living in a democratic republic and understand that voting is both a right and a privilege. We also know that our country, the USA, is what God has allowed but not what He originally wanted. Let me explain.
It all started when Samuel was the prophet of God, and the Nation of Israel was falling into disarray. Along with the acceptance of more and more sin, and even the sons of Samuel not walking in the ways of the Lord, the Hebrews decided to divorce themselves from God’s rule as King: 1 Samuel 8:4–5 tells us
“Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah, and said to him, 'Look, you are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now make us a king to judge us like all the nations.' ”
The Lord gave them a firm warning of the dire consequences that would result from this decision to be people-led rather than led by God: 1 Samuel 8:7–9 says
“And the LORD said to Samuel, 'Heed the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them. According to all the works which they have done since the day that I brought them up out of Egypt, even to this day—with which they have forsaken Me and served other gods—so they are doing to you also. Now therefore, heed their voice. However, you shall solemnly forewarn them, and show them the behavior of the king who will reign over them.' ”
The worldly king of their choosing was going to be a taker, and they would be indebted to the government rather than the Lord being a Provider and a Protector. But the people wanted their own way, and they say, "The rest is history." Is this any different from what we have today? A government that is more interested in taking advantage of its citizens than in protecting them? We have both major parties involved in heinous sins. One may favor pushing the LGBTQ+ movement to the forefront, but the other is wrapped up in lurid affairs and open fornication right before a prayer breakfast. Both fail to see the need to be financially conservative and make promises they know they are unwilling or unable to keep. So how can we play a part in a political system such as this?
First, stop reading this and read the first six chapters of the Book of Daniel. (Click HERE to access an online version.) When you have finished, you can continue reading this blog post.
As you just read, the nation of Israel was now in exile within the kingdom of Babylon. Four notable young men sought to honor God even in captivity: Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They desired to continue serving the God of Israel and obeying His commands and customs, even while living in a foreign land. They also gleaned some of the benefits from the nation they were living in as they were led into some of the higher echelons of the kingdom. For whatever reason, God allowed them to be dual citizens of Heaven and Babylon for many years.
[God] gave them the conviction and boldness to live out His commands, even under the pressures of a hostile government.
We also read that Babylon was not a God-honoring kingdom, nor were they interested in learning of God’s blessings that come when a nation is obedient to Him. There were three significant kings during this time: King Nebuchadnezzar of the Babylonian Empire, then Nebuchadnezzar's son, Belshazzar. After the Babylonian Empire fell to the Medo-Persian Empire, Darius the Mede became the ruler of Babylon. Some were more “open” to God’s ways, but none were going to become converts if left up to their own choices.
So God had to intervene in miraculous ways. He used our four friends to influence both the kings they served and even the entire nation. He gave them the conviction and boldness to live out His commands, even under the pressures of a hostile government. God put them close to the throne so they could influence the necessary people throughout the highest positions in the land. He gave them the courage to speak the truth, even though some of they declared went directly against the kings and their leadership. And through all of this, they were always loving, compassionate, truthful, and loyal to God as King, not man because they were firm in their belief that God was always in control.
And this brings us back to where we are today.
We can thank God for the freedoms He has afforded us in the nation of our birth by His sovereign plan, and use our liberties to participate to the extent He has allowed. This includes the democratic process and voting.
We have the privilege to serve God and our Lord Jesus, the One He sent, by living in a monarchy under God first and being truthful, loving, and compassionate in all of our conversations, especially the political ones. We must not only declare the truths of God, but actually be convicted to live them out with boldness, no matter how counter-cultural they might be. Maybe then, people will notice and see that the President of the United States is not the most powerful man in the world, but instead, Jesus is, and He will have His way even in the midst of a broken and, at times, hostile nation.
We can thank God for the freedoms He has afforded us in the nation of our birth by His sovereign plan, and use our liberties to participate to the extent He has allowed. This includes the democratic process and voting. So let’s cast our vote for the candidate that most aligns with biblical precepts, but ultimately trust that God is the King on the throne, no matter who sits in the Oval Office. After all, there are always reasons For hope for those of us who are in Christ Jesus.

To learn more about Frank Figueroa, Jr. and to schedule him as a speaker, click HERE.
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Posted in Frank Figueroa Jr.
Posted in Frank Figueroa, Reasons for Hope, 1 Samuel 8:4-5, 1 Samuel 8:7-9, Daniel 1-6, government, voting, election, righteousness, freedom in Christ
Posted in Frank Figueroa, Reasons for Hope, 1 Samuel 8:4-5, 1 Samuel 8:7-9, Daniel 1-6, government, voting, election, righteousness, freedom in Christ
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