Reasonable Faith
Hi, RforH friends! Join us today as one of our guest bloggers, Pastor Draa Mackey, responds to a question posed to him by one of his peers in reference to steering the youth toward God and His Word. “How should we stand against the Woke in our society?”

I believe the Woke first captured the minds of the youth through the school system. While seizing their minds, they also managed to mold their passions through woke literature, television, and various online platforms; thus, seizing their hearts as well.
Let's give them credit where credit is due: they did a bang-up job. They practically own the hearts and minds of three generations in many first-world countries. How were they so successful?

The enemy seemed to have followed the same pattern he first began using in the Garden (Genesis 3): he usurped authority, Adam abdicated his authority, and Eve assumed Adam's authority. Adam represents the church, and Eve the largely secular-humanist state. (Technically, parents were probably the first ones to abdicate their responsibilities by allowing both the state and church to step in and—eventually—overstep).
It's the same ... old ... trick.
In all fairness, I think the church's abdication of its authority was done passively. It kept yielding itself to the currents of the day in attempts to "reach a wider audience." Eventually, its foundation eroded until all that remained was, "But Jesus rose from the dead! That's enough, right?" Or, the even worse mindset, "You just gotta have faith."
Teens and young adults are grasping for something tangible to provide them with hope.
Many modern-day kids/teens/young adults think the Bible is an archaic document devoid of modern relevance.
“If ‘history is bunk,’ why in the world should I read a ‘questionably reliable” compilation of documents written 2,000 years ago?" To quote the “illustrious” Ariana Grande, "Thank you ... next."
"But Jesus will change your life. Just give him a try." Their response? So will a shot of espresso at 6:00 a.m.
"You don't need to believe the rest of the Bible. All you need is Jesus." Okay, so I suppose it doesn't matter, then, that Jesus quoted more from the Torah than any other first-century figures? If the rest of the Bible is irrelevant, how come Jesus isn't just as irrelevant?
These aren't my questions and comments―these are the questions and comments of our current generation, grasping for some objective meaning to their angsty existences.
Can we fault their internal feelings that say, "Something is wrong with me"? Because something IS wrong with them. Can we fault them for listening to modern-day, mainstream SCIENCE after we wholeheartedly (some Christians included) bowed down to the all-powerful WHO (World Health Organization) for the past 2.5 years? Can we fault their attempts to find answers to their spiritual longings through biological means (like hormone replacement therapy, sex change operations, etc.) when the church has failed to maintain its relevance by outsourcing its understanding of history and the human condition to the “experts”?
Teens and young adults are grasping for something tangible to provide them with hope. The more I read Augustine, the more I love him. But I've yet to find anything more compelling than his famous quote about the human condition: “You have made us for Yourself, our hearts are restless until they rest in You.”
Once we stop divorcing faith from reason, we then open the door to communicate TRUTH to a grasping yet highly intelligent generation.
I think it's time for us to reevaluate our own faith. If it's devoid of reasonability and rationality, we will only perpetuate the problem of disbelief in future generations, our own kids included.
2 Timothy 2:7 NKJV
"Consider what I say, and may the Lord give you understanding in all things."
Once we stop divorcing faith from reason, we then open the door to communicate TRUTH to a grasping yet highly intelligent generation. Having said that, I believe we need to work at recapturing both the hearts and MINDS of our youth. I’m so thankful for organizations like Reasons for Hope that emphasize the importance of wedding faith and reason!
To follow up on this message in Pastor Draa's blog, we at Reasons for Hope are excited to present two resources that can support the younger generation, as well as their parents and grandparents, in developing their faith with solid reason and thinking. COMING IN JUNE is our very own Dr. Juan Valdes' revised and updated version of his ever-popular book, How to Think: A Crash Course in Critical Thinking. Available for pre-order now at a discounted price! Click HERE to pre-order yours today.

"Juan Valdes' book is a tremendous gift. He not only explains why we must think critically, he provides the tools to do so. He doesn't just tell us what to think, he shows us how to think, and he does so in a way that is accessible to the average reader. This book belongs in every church and Christian household."
―Brett Kunkle | Founder and President of MAVEN
―Brett Kunkle | Founder and President of MAVEN

“Bold teens asking bold questions and getting bold answers. That pretty well sums up Carl Kerby’s newest book, Did Jesus Commit Suicide—and 27 Other Questions Teens Are Asking. Carl and the other authors who provide answers know teens—and that’s important. But more significant is that they know God and His Word, which form the firm foundation of the answers they give. Written in a down-to-earth, straightforward, conversational style, this book is very welcome and much needed for teens—and for parents and youth leaders—if we are going to have a generation that will truly ‘Stay bold’ for the Savior and His truth. ”
—Julaine Appling | President of Wisconsin Family Action
—Julaine Appling | President of Wisconsin Family Action
Order your copy HERE.
Author Bio:
Pastor Draa Mackey has served as the senior pastor at Bayshore Baptist Church in Lincolnville, Maine, since 2018. Draa and his wife, Joanna, have been married for almost 5 years and have a 4-year-old son, Kirk (and are expecting a little girl later this year). They love traveling, hiking, distance running (Draa is an ultra-marathoner!), and serving the Lord. To learn more about the ministry at Bayshore Baptist Church, click HERE.
Pastor Draa Mackey has served as the senior pastor at Bayshore Baptist Church in Lincolnville, Maine, since 2018. Draa and his wife, Joanna, have been married for almost 5 years and have a 4-year-old son, Kirk (and are expecting a little girl later this year). They love traveling, hiking, distance running (Draa is an ultra-marathoner!), and serving the Lord. To learn more about the ministry at Bayshore Baptist Church, click HERE.

Posted in Draa Mackey
Posted in Draa Mackey, 2 Timothy 2:7, Reasons for Hope, How to Think, Did Jesus Commit Suicide?
Posted in Draa Mackey, 2 Timothy 2:7, Reasons for Hope, How to Think, Did Jesus Commit Suicide?
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