A Trustworthy Faith
One of our weekly online postings, and one that is quickly becoming a fan favorite, is Reasons for Hope Responds, presented by Frank Figueroa, Jr. The content of this week’s blog comes directly from one of these videos and shows you God’s truth in the midst of the world’s chaos. Please read through to the end and click on the video at the end to see Frank in action, presenting this information in an engaging visual way.

Aloha from Frank Figueroa with Reasons for Hope!
John 8:32
And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
"One Tree Hill" star Bethany Joy Lenz recently revealed she was in a cult for ten years. So how was she able to leave this cult?

Speaking of Tim Keller, she said, ”This man changed my life. The only reason I’m still a Christian today is that, ten years ago, after many years of faith being used against me as a tool of manipulation, he taught me how to rebuild my faith using REASON and LOGIC―a belief system that fully engages my mind while still leaving room for wonder and mystery.”
She went on to say, “His was a TRUSTWORTHY, HUMBLE, RESEARCHED, RATIONAL and COMPASSIONATE voice that God used to bring me out of a pit of despair, walk me through intense healing, and into the glorious freedom of the real Christ.”
Now, I don’t know Tim Keller personally, but I would bet he wouldn’t take the applause for Bethany’s deliverance. Still, I would give credit where credit is due . . . After all, it is only through the Person of Jesus that we can be saved and enter into a genuine relationship with God! And how does He accomplish this?
He used a man of God to share the truths of God. Through these truths contained in His Word, the Bible, Mr. Keller was able to share REASONABLE, LOGICAL, TRUSTWORTHY, RATIONAL, and COMPASSIONATE answers. And where did he get those answers? From the inerrant, everlasting, unchanging, ever-true Word of God . . . AND GOD CAN DO THE SAME THROUGH US!
In fact, this is what Reasons For Hope is all about . . . We desire to introduce you to your CREATOR, REDEEMER, SAVIOR, and LORD . . . JESUS, using Biblical teaching that is logical and trustworthy because this is consistent with God and His character. We invite you to dive into one or more of the resources listed below:

- Our fast-paced Debunked Videos empower and embolden us to proclaim God’s truths. Click HERE to learn more and to view all the DeBunked videos you could dream of.

- Our Equip Retreats teach the next generation that they can stand boldly on the Word of God. Click HERE to see what makes Equip camps different.

- Our print resources help develop a logical and Biblical worldview.

- Our social media platforms engage the culture by providing free content that helps us to reason through issues within our culture.
Our core desire is that you would be able to KNOW IT! LIVE IT! And SHARE IT! And we highly encourage you to check out our resources by downloading the Reasons For Hope App (available for all platforms) or checking us out at rforh.com or debunked.org. There you will be provided with many tools that can help you grow and become bolder in your faith.
1 Peter 3:15
Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.
Thank you, God, for saving Bethany Lenz. We pray that You will equip us to give a reasoned defense for You and Your truths so that others may come to know You as Lord and Savior as well.
To watch Frank's Reasons for Hope Responds video on this topic, please click below.
To learn more about Frank or to book him as a speaker at your upcoming events, please click HERE.
Posted in Frank Figueroa Jr., Holly Varnum
Posted in Reasons for Hope, Reasons for Hope Responds, DeBunked
Posted in Reasons for Hope, Reasons for Hope Responds, DeBunked
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