Expanding Our Reach
Today's blog is brought to you by our founder and president, Carl Kerby! Though brief, this message is loaded with lots of information and a special announcement we're excited to make to our friends and followers.

Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Reasons for Hope started on January 8, 2011, with very little. There was Candace, me, and our three board members, Randy, Wade, and Paul. We had two speaking events booked for the rest of the year, no money in the bank, and no monthly supporters, but we had big dreams.
God had made it clear that we had to take His Word to the younger generation and men, and we’ve done that. Over the last twelve years, we’ve had the privilege to
- produce over 20 DeBunked videos,
- provide a free App full of resources that now has over 20,000 downloads,
- air on hundreds of radio spots,
- produce thousands of short videos that have been viewed millions of times,
- publish multiple books to get His message out, and
- take God’s Word and message through speaking to tens of thousands globally.
This summer alone, between our full-time and part-time speakers, we spoke to over 1,000 youth in 24 camps over nine weeks. During this time, we were blessed to see many first-time professions of faith as well as recommitments and baptisms.
God is good, and the blessings just seem to keep on coming. Today, I am so excited to announce that Reasons for Hope and The Plumb Line―an Iowa-based Christian radio show produced by Jay Rudolph―have come together to establish a radio outreach that’ll bring a biblical worldview to a vast array of issues and topics as well as the message of the gospel to airwaves across the country!

The Plumb Line has already reached thousands of listeners in various markets across the country since December 2022. With 38 years of radio experience and a calling to a ministry of discernment, Jay Rudolph hosts the show, featuring guests from around the world discussing topics that range from pornography and the homosexual agenda to gluttony and God's eternal nature. The diversity of subjects allows listeners to learn about hundreds of issues from a truly grounded, biblical perspective.
Since we’ve been training and equipping a new generation to stand boldly on the Word of God for more than a decade now, we feel we’ve been prepared to move into this new area of outreach. This new partnership will help advance our mission into new markets and avenues where radio can reach those who have not heard of the ministry's great resources.

Dave, Juan, Frank, and I will be frequent guests featured on The Plumb Line to bring a biblical perspective to the many issues we cover on our website, in social media, in our DeBunked videos, and elsewhere.
While currently on seven stations, The Plumb Line will be signing an agreement to be in the San Diego market in the very near future. God truly does have plans to prosper us, and He is doing so in areas we had no clue we’d ever participate in.
Please pray for us as we step out in this new ministry outreach―that we will be empowered to offer biblical HOPE and reach many for Christ.
Psalm 68:19
Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loads us with benefits, the God of our salvation! Selah
To learn more about Carl or to book him as a speaker, please click HERE.

Click HERE to download our free app and encourage your family and friends to do the same. This resource provides hundreds of audio, visual, and print resources to answer questions and train you and your loved ones to be able to answer anyone who may ask you to share why you believe what you believe (1 Peter 3:15).

Posted in Carl Kerby
Posted in Carl Kerby, Reasons for Hope, The Plumb Line, biblical worldview, Jeremiah 29:11, Psalm 68:19
Posted in Carl Kerby, Reasons for Hope, The Plumb Line, biblical worldview, Jeremiah 29:11, Psalm 68:19
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