Trusting God's Vision
As we begin the new year, there's no one better to inspire us to keep moving forward and living out God's plan for our lives and ministry than our very own co-founder and president, Carl Kerby. Join us today as Carl shares one of many stories from his heart to remind us that God is omniscient and the One we should trust as we walk the path of life.

January 8, 2011, is the day that Reasons for Hope began.
Fast-forward to today, 13 years later, and I wish I could tell you that I’d envisioned what we’re doing now. But that would not be the truth. Back then, the Lord made it very clear that I had to go in a different direction with a different approach to apologetics, and today, this mission has expanded more than I ever could have imagined.
The desire to reach the younger generation has been there from the start, that’s for sure. With that desire, God has abundantly blessed Reasons for Hope by bringing together a team that will reach thousands of young men and women this year with the message that God’s Word is true and trustworthy.

We have more of our EQUIP and EQUIP+ Retreats scheduled than ever before, and we’re working with folks like Alex McFarland (Truth for a New Generation), Danny Faulkner (Answers in Genesis), Massey Campos (Self-evident Ministry/Revive Church), plus many others to build a foundation for the younger generation to stand firm in a world gone crazy. I wish I could tell you where we’ll be in 13 more years, but I’m not even sure the world as we know it will exist 13 years from now. Regardless, I would like to share one experience with you today that helps keep me moving forward amid opposition.
Several years ago, I was witnessing to a man who was painting the exterior of our home. We were having a good conversation, and he was asking a LOT of questions. Some of them I couldn’t answer. In the middle of one such question, I heard a car with a very loud muffler in the distance. As the painter was talking, the muffler's sound was getting louder and louder. The car just so happened to turn onto the street where my house was. We actually had to stop talking while the car passed by as the sound was so obnoxious. As the vehicle continued down the road, the noise dissipated. He finished his question, and I responded as I do so often, not knowing where it would go.
My goal with any conversation is to communicate clearly and in an understandable way. I learned as an Air Traffic Controller for over 20 years that you can say many things. Still, if the individual you’re communicating with doesn’t understand or can’t comply with the information you’ve just given them, it was a waste of time. So, here’s how the rest of the conversation went:
Carl: “Did you hear that car that just went by?” (knowing there was no way he couldn’t have)
Painter: “Of course I did.”
Carl: “Where did that car start this morning?”
Painter: “I don’t have a clue.”
Carl: “Ok. Where did it go?”
Painter: “I don’t know.”
He was looking at me funny by this time.
Carl: “I feel like that about some of your questions. I don’t know everything. It’s kind of like that car. We heard it for a bit, and it got louder. When it turned onto our street here, we saw it for a little bit. But then it continued, and I don’t have a solid answer as to where it went. I can make a guess, but I’m not totally sure. But think about this. If we were to go up in a hot air balloon with binoculars, would we have been able to see where that car left from this morning and where it went after it passed by here?”
Painter: “Well, yes.”
Carl: “To me, that’s a picture of how God sees. My vision is minimal, so I could only see that car from one point to the next. But God, He knows the beginning and the end. He can see it all. And the amazing thing is that He has given us His Word that we can get into and study to increase our vision to understand better what we see in the world. Let me do some studying and get back to you about your question. Can I give you a Bible, though, so you can study for yourself to see if you can find some answers?”
He accepted the Bible, and I did some studying. We had more conversations over the next few days as he finished his painting. I don’t know where he is today or if he ever made a decision for Christ, but that’s not my job. I was obedient to what I was called to do: share the Good News.
I still feel that way in ministry. I KNOW that what we’re doing with the youth is absolutely what we have to be doing.

- The MIC’DUp! training is such a key piece in getting youth out of their comfort zone and talking about critical spiritual topics.
- Our podcast, The DeBunked Files, and The Plumb Line radio program with host Jay Rudolph reach folks we’d never be able to reach otherwise.
- Additionally, the DeBunked videos continue to be very popular.
I could go on and on, but I won’t. I’ll end with this. I still don’t entirely know where the Lord is leading us. But I know this: To the best of my ability, we, Reasons for Hope, will continue to be obedient to whatever the Lord is calling us to do.
We can never thank you enough for all of your prayers and support. 2023 was a fantastic year, and it looks like 2024 will be even more so. Let’s keep speaking the truth in love and pointing people to Christ.
Stay Bold!
To learn more about Carl or to book him as a speaker, please click HERE.

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Posted in Carl Kerby
Posted in Carl Kerby, Reasons for Hope, Proverbs 3;5-6, EQUIP, Mic\\\'dUP, The DeBunked Files, The Plumb Line
Posted in Carl Kerby, Reasons for Hope, Proverbs 3;5-6, EQUIP, Mic\\\'dUP, The DeBunked Files, The Plumb Line
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