Reflections in Gratitude
Today, we are blessed to share Rachael Neal’s reflective narrative as she looks back on God’s goodness throughout her cancer journey and stands before us with her recent medical diagnosis of NED (no evidence of disease). We invite you to rejoice with Rachael as she testifies about her healing and the spiritual growth she experienced as she learned to truly give thanks in all situations.

1 Thessalonians 5:16–18
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Even in the darkest of times, we can find something to be grateful for. I’m sure that statement is true. But more relevant to my life today is this small modification …
Especially AFTER the darkest of times, I can look back with gratitude on God’s provision.
Reflection is a powerful tool in healing. It’s tempting to hear the word “remission” and move forward without looking back. But looking back for me is part of the healing in moving forward. Remembering the ways God made a way assures me that He is trustworthy for my future. Here are just a few of the things I’m thankful for …
God’s mercy in sickness. At the time, I’m confident I wasn’t thankful for a severely constipated abdomen or fatigue. Turns out, though cancer had been growing in my body for years, those minor symptoms brought me to the doctor and revealed what we had no idea was killing me, slowly. Praise God for revealing a much darker problem through those minor inconveniences!
God’s mercy in wild-type cancer. I didn’t have any mutations or forms of genetic cancer. Without getting too “science-y,” this means I didn’t qualify for special treatments like immunotherapy, which would have almost guaranteed an outcome of healing to some extent. However, God mercifully allowed my cancer to respond to standard chemotherapy. Many people in my shoes have a progression of disease while on chemo. Not only did chemo stop my cancer from spreading, it also worked to shrink it. Plus, none of my family members had to bear the burden of being tested for cancer. Praise God for the mercy of wild-type cancer!
God’s mercy in surgery. Colon cancer is a solid tumor cancer, meaning that if surgery is possible, it is the preferred method of treatment. I had already had my primary tumor removed during emergency colon surgery in October, but the big problem was my liver―over 13 lesions threatened my life. Though undergoing another major surgery bookending chemotherapy was hard, it was successful. God mercifully guided the surgeon’s tools to remove and ablate the tumors in my liver, leading to no evidence of disease (NED). Many, many people with my type of cancer are told it is non-surgical and will require chemo for life. Praise God for the mercy of surgery!
The mercy of “watch and wait.” I was told I’d never be cured of cancer, that I would be on chemo for life. It was so overwhelming! Maintenance chemo is used to stabilize the disease and avoid progression. But because God has mercifully allowed me to reach no evidence of disease through surgery, I am able to enter a season of observation. My body is healing slowly, and I feel the effects of chemotherapy less and less these days. I’m actually able to enjoy the rest of the summer treatment-free until scans in August. Praise God for the mercy of “watch and wait”!
On the hard days (and there still are some, but fewer), I remind myself of these significant points of gratitude. In the moment, when everything was happening so quickly, I didn’t give thanks for constipation, chemo, a colostomy, or surgery … I never imagined I’d reach a point of observation. But now, now I can look back over the last ten months and see the Lord’s hand carrying me, His feet beside me, His mercy in the midst of sorrow.
HE IS GOOD. Even when we don’t see it. Even when we don’t feel it. Even when we don’t understand what He’s doing. HE IS GOOD.
"God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains."
---C.S. Lewis
---C.S. Lewis
What mercies in your life can you reflect on and express gratitude for? What thing in your life felt so terrible, you never imagined you’d give thanks for it? Take a moment to ask the Lord to remind you of his goodness. He will be faithful to show you all the ways He’s loved you.
Lamentations 3:22–23
The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
To learn more about Rachael and her story, to share a word of blessing or encouragement with her, and/or to donate towards her medical expenses, please click HERE.
We also encourage you to dig deeper into how trials and hardships can bring people to a greater understanding of His love, grace, and mercy. Start now by watching our DeBunked video below, refuting the idea that suffering disproves a good God.
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