Attention Parents: Yes, Apologetics Is Really That Important.
As a Christian parent (or grandparent), are you concerned about the future of your children? We are, too. Regardless of their access to technology, they are continually bombarded with worldviews and information that, unless they know how to discern truth from error, will likely lead them down a path away from the faith you've encouraged in their lives. Teaching them what you believe is not enough. They need to own the truth of God's Word for themselves. Though Dave Glander starts with the downside of a current statistic and the influences causing it, he provides insight and encouragement to Christian parents in today's blog that provide actionable steps to turn this troubling trend around.

Who's really teaching our children? We send our kids to school to learn "facts" about archaeology, history, philosophy, paleontology, chemistry, biology, and anatomy, all of which are tainted with evolution and secular humanism.

History tells them that Jesus never existed. Biology is telling them that evolution is the cause of their existence. Paleontology tells them dinosaurs roamed the earth hundreds of millions of years ago. Philosophy is convincing them that we each have our "own" truths. Anatomy is telling them that you can be whatever gender you "feel" like being. The result? Secular textbook content and the absence of critical thinking skills create a dilemma where students cannot discern the truth. They mindlessly answer "2+2=5" on Friday's test to get a passing grade, even though they know the answer is incorrect.

In the church, they may be taught "fluffy" Bible stories and may not recognize that the Bible is a factual historical narrative. Too often, the story of Noah's Ark is minimized to an overstuffed boat incapable of holding the animals God commanded Noah to house in it. Jonah is in the belly of a fictitious "whale." The colors of Joseph's coat are more important than the historical role he played in Egypt. It's no wonder kids can be swayed to believe that the Bible is just a compilation of “fairy tales” and not factual historical events.
When these same young people grow up and have life hit them between the eyes, where do they turn for help? Since the "facts" they learned in school told them there is no God, they turn to self-help and the world's philosophies instead of leaning on the One trustworthy source of hope and stability. This reality is why apologetics―a discipline used since the time of the apostles and masterfully by the Apostle Paul (Acts 17)―is critical.
When these same young people grow up and have life hit them between the eyes, where do they turn for help? Since the "facts" they learned in school told them there is no God, they turn to self-help and the world's philosophies instead of leaning on the One trustworthy source of hope and stability. This reality is why apologetics―a discipline used since the time of the apostles and masterfully by the Apostle Paul (Acts 17)―is critical.
Today, we have access to a myriad of compelling FACTS and evidence to support nearly every aspect of life and the Christian faith. Young people need to know that their doubts can be resolved. When they discover this truth, the above statistics completely shift!
Apologetics gives them a "Why" behind the "What." Because . . .

To switch the focus from those who have left the church to those who have stayed faithful, we need to ask . . .

From here, we need to understand what kept them connected to Christ and their church after they graduated from high school. According to multiple studies, here are the top five factors that made the difference.

When intentionally implemented, these five actions make the difference between teens walking out of the church or being sold out for Jesus Christ. When students take ownership of their faith by becoming a part of the body through service and proper mentoring, they no longer feel forced to go to a place they have believed is meant for someone else. They become active members of the body and, in turn, have a vested interest in the place they now call their own.
At Reasons for Hope, we are ready to stand by your side and fight to keep this generation alive and well in their Christian faith. Some of the many ways we can assist you is through our EQUIP Retreats and our products.

EQUIP is designed to teach young people to own, share, and defend their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. While there will be lots of fun and games, the goal of EQUIP is to plant seeds that inspire a generation of teens to have eternal impact on the Kingdom of God by equipping them to better understand, articulate, and spread the Gospel.
This year, we are hosting 5-day EQUIP Retreats in six different locations across the nation (Montana, Illinois, Indiana, Georgia, South Carolina, and New Jersey). Click HERE to access more information, specific locations, dates, and registration information to get your children signed up for this dynamic, transformational apologetics camp.
Check Out Our Store!
Our resources were designed with the needs of today's youth in mind, and as a parent, you can grow along with your children and find the answers to your questions together. Click HERE to visit our online store to check out these and other resources that will equip and empower you to stand boldly on the Word of God.

Posted in Dave Glander
Posted in Dave Glander, Reasons for Hope, Equip Retreat, Keeping teens faithful
Posted in Dave Glander, Reasons for Hope, Equip Retreat, Keeping teens faithful
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