Today's guest blogger, Rebekah Haynie, (Read her short bio below the blog.) addresses the sanctity of life in a straightforward, information-packed, yet very personal way. As you read this account, please take the time to click on each of the links to gain a comprehensive understanding of the weight of her evidence and position. (Note: Some of the video clips and article content may not be appropriate for children.)
The words scrawled in red ink on the young woman’s heavily pregnant belly burned into my brain. As a young mom myself (still recovering from a c-section at the time), it strained the bounds of credulity: on the crowded steps of the U.S. Supreme Court, this young mother was due to give birth any day―to a baby she refused to dignify as human.

The self-evident questions for any honest person (especially a parent) must spring forth: What exactly does she think she’s pregnant with? If not human, then what? Exactly whose heartbeat did she hear at her OB appointments?
The self-evident questions for any honest person (especially a parent) must spring forth: What exactly does she think she’s pregnant with? If not human, then what? Exactly whose heartbeat did she hear at her OB appointments? Whose tiny arms and legs did the nurses measure at every ultrasound? What magical properties does she attribute to the birth canal that transform non-human tissue blob monsters into the cutest human beings in existence? How could this level of cognitive dissonance exist in the same world as 4-D ultrasounds and in-utero heart surgery?
Of course, she meant to shock the world into accepting her political perspective: that when it comes to her pregnancy, she is entitled to all the power. This baby human―one day from birth―is helpless, dependent, unseen, unproductive, potentially inconvenient. Therefore, as the bigger, stronger human, her rights/desires must be prioritized; her bodily autonomy must be absolute and include even the right to invade and destroy another human body. Her power of choice is sacrosanct, even above the life of her own pre-born child, because she’s convinced―were it a contest―her life matters more.
She’s not alone. The majority of Americans now say they do not believe “human life is sacred.” The 2020 worldview survey from ACU’s Cultural Research Center found just 39% of Americans consider human life sacred, or intrinsically worthy of value and protection.

It’s unsurprising that a nation slouching farther away from a Biblical view would reject the sanctity of life. Shockingly though, even groups that profess to be Christian follow this trend, including 40% of evangelical church-goers, 40% of “born-again Christians,” 47% of people 50 or older, and 43% of political conservatives who do not believe human life is inherently valuable.
In the 2022 worldview study, over one-third of pastors surveyed said they did not believe human life is sacred. Almost one-in-three evangelicals also say the Bible is ambiguous on abortion.
That so many self-professed Christians fail to recognize the very foundation of God’s world is hard to fathom. But, like our very pregnant protestor, their confusion is not for lack of evidence: God’s view on the sanctity of human life is clear.
Genesis 1:27
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
This is the basic bedrock of the Biblical worldview. Faith in this simple statement has birthed nations, toppled tyrants, freed captives, and opened opportunities. That you and I, and every man and woman you ever meet are individually and uniquely made in the very image of the omnipotent God who rules the universe has earth-shattering implications in every aspect of our society, our relationships, and our souls.
Therefore, our ancient foe targets his attacks at the foundation of our true identity. In the post-Roe world, the cultural vituperation against moms and babies has reached fever-pitch. Political discourse uses smoother slogans like “freedom of choice,” and “bodily autonomy,” euphemistically touting abortion as “loving your neighbor,” “another word for mercy, or “an act of self-love” (all while denying basic biology, embryology, and theology).
In defense of abortion, we’ve also seen women writhing in the public street, painted blood-red, and viciously ripping apart baby dolls in effigy. We’ve seen men proclaim themselves feminist heroes for being “bro-choice,” while pushing abortion to avoid responsibility for the children they create. We’ve seen government health officials refuse to allow critically ill babies to be treated because their lives weren’t worth the resources. We’ve seen governments begin to advocate even further for assisted suicide for the disabled, even merely for the depressed and mentally ill.
These horrifying realities are fruits from the same poisoned tree: If all human lives are not sacred, who gets to decide which lives are worth less … or worthless? If we are not all worthy of protection, whose rights are safe? The brutality of such protests and policies exposes the agenda of the real enemy: to steal, kill, and destroy God’s gift of life.
If all human lives are not sacred, who gets to decide which lives are worth less … or worthless? If we are not all worthy of protection, whose rights are safe?
The lies about who we are have devastating consequences. But seeing the truth of how precious life really is can far outshine any counterfeits. I know firsthand the gift of life and sacrifice. My baby son, Gabriel, was born prematurely at 26 weeks; we were rushed to emergency surgery to deliver. He could fit in my two hands, though he was too fragile even to hold. He lived in constant medical care in the NICU. For five weeks, he experienced a barrage of treatments, tests, and transfusions. His courageous little heart fought for life with every breath. Doctors told us we should just “let him go,” but we refused to give up on our son. My brave husband and I prepared for a life of extensive medical care to meet whatever his special needs would be, regardless of expense; our son’s life was worth it. Any parent would do the same for their baby.

But we didn’t get the chance. Gabriel and I spent every day of his short life together, singing, praying, as I gingerly cradled his oh-so tiny, perfectly formed hands. We eventually got to hold him close as he breathed his last. And until the day we meet again, a little part of our family is missing. I still wonder what his favorite color would be, what songs he would sing, how his laugh would sound as we read bedtime stories. But I get to remember his eyes, his hands, and his heartbeat next to mine. His life on earth, brief as it was, changed mine forever. I can’t imagine listening to the voices of doctors who, claiming compassion, told me to stop treatment (i.e., hasten his death). I wouldn’t trade one moment God gave me with my little one. The difficult, painful episodes of life are still worth living, just as Gabriel’s short life was worth protecting. He was wonderfully made, and 100% human.
Author Bio:
Rebekah Haynie is a grateful Christian and outspoken broadcaster―passionate about defending life, truth, and freedom. She is the host of "Real Talk with Rebekah Haynie" podcast, and her daily radio show, "Faith Works Live," airs across Iowa on HOPE 940 AM. She's an award-winning journalist, voice actor, and former producer for the Faith Radio Network and the nationally-syndicated Steve Deace Show. She also enjoys writing in her midwestern Victorian mansion, where she lives with her dashing husband and six amazing kids. Should you desire to contact Rebekah directly, please email her at: rebekahhaynie@outlook.com.
Rebekah Haynie is a grateful Christian and outspoken broadcaster―passionate about defending life, truth, and freedom. She is the host of "Real Talk with Rebekah Haynie" podcast, and her daily radio show, "Faith Works Live," airs across Iowa on HOPE 940 AM. She's an award-winning journalist, voice actor, and former producer for the Faith Radio Network and the nationally-syndicated Steve Deace Show. She also enjoys writing in her midwestern Victorian mansion, where she lives with her dashing husband and six amazing kids. Should you desire to contact Rebekah directly, please email her at: rebekahhaynie@outlook.com.

For more information on supporting an anti-abortion stance and sanctity of human life, please watch the following video, There's Nothing Wrong with Abortion ... DeBunked.
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Posted in Rebekah Haynie
Posted in Rebekah Haynie, Not yet a human., pregnant, pregnancy, pro-life, Human life is sacred., Genesis 1:27, biology, embryology, theology, abortion, worthy of protection, 100% human, There\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Nothing Wrong with Abortion ... DeBunked!, Reasons for Hope, Fascinating Facts, Impact Curriculum
Posted in Rebekah Haynie, Not yet a human., pregnant, pregnancy, pro-life, Human life is sacred., Genesis 1:27, biology, embryology, theology, abortion, worthy of protection, 100% human, There\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Nothing Wrong with Abortion ... DeBunked!, Reasons for Hope, Fascinating Facts, Impact Curriculum
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