Of the Same Consistency
I did it. Check off the ol’ bucket list! I succeeded in opening a really amazing restaurant, something I had always wanted to do.

When I say it was absolutely beautiful, I mean that as an understatement. We hired a professional designer who chose all of the vibrant colors and fabrics. Local artists submitted pieces that were hung (for sale) all over the restaurant. We even had a 750-gallon fish tank as a centerpiece divider between the upper and lower levels you could see right through. It included a miniature replica of a famous town landmark featuring an actual running water wheel!

We were also situated right in the middle of 2 huge neighborhoods being built simultaneously, and another large condominium complex was constructed across the street. When I say I designed and hand-built a masterpiece, I humbly tell you that it is an understatement. This was a dream come true … well, almost.
Consistent: adj.
always acting or behaving in the same way, of the same quality.
Designing, building, and opening a restaurant wasn’t a problem for me in my areas of ability and expertise. My only problem was that I had no interest in the day-to-day operations of a restaurant, nor did I have the time to do so even if I wanted to. So, when an electrified young couple approached me already in the process of opening a dream of their own, they offered me a percentage of ownership by getting the place off the ground. But that wasn’t what really sparked my interest … it was the offer for me to help write the menu that had my tastebuds going! Between my recipes and hers, we put together one of the most incredible Southern fusion menus ever.
I’m still convinced that IF they had executed things correctly, the restaurant would still be a pillar in the community now. I’m sure you’re picking up a lot of past-tense vocabulary in my writing by now. Sadly, the place shut down after about a year of being open. We had the look, the feel, and the location, but they never got the food right. They hired a chef who never followed any of our recipes and could never deliver the same dish twice. If you came in and loved the Cuban sandwich one day, the next day, it would be completely different, and this was the case for every dish. By the time the owners got a hold of things a little, the damage to reputation had already been done, and their fate was sealed. Without consistency, none of the other unique attributes mattered. The location, the look, and the vibe all went out the window because you could never count on the food being the same.
Lately, I have been addicted to watching the WNBA. Until this season, I’m not sure I even knew it was a thing. But there’s this woman named Caitlin Clark who is just simply dominating her sport and transforming the entire league by huge margins. Attendance at all games is up by over 40% from the year before, setting record-breaking viewership and attendance. I even went to see an Indiana Fever game here in Atlanta to get a taste of the electricity being generated by one individual.

While watching the intensity of the play by Caitlin, what stood out to me the most wasn’t what you see on TV; it’s what they don’t show (off camera). She is CONSISTENTLY being a motivator to not only her own team, but everyone around her. She doesn’t waiver at anything ―constantly giving high-fives to everyone on both teams. I think she even tried to high-five the referee one time! I’m convinced it’s not just her playing on the court while the clock is running; it’s her CONSISTENT attitude at ALL times.

Even when the game was over, she took excessive time with fans to talk, sign, and encourage them all. You could even tell that her “bodyguards” were growing tired and just wanted to get to the locker room, but Caitlin ensured everyone there knew she cared about them. I’ve always heard that one person can’t make a significant difference, but this year, Caitlin Clark is single-handedly transforming an entire league right before our eyes!
So, what does this have to do with anything other than it’s my blog, and I can ramble along if I want to… hee-hee. Well, I’m GLAD YOU ASKED [insert shameless plug to tune into Season 2 of Glad You Asked TV Show starting on October 1st on WATC Atlanta at 10 p.m.]. I’ve realized that Christianity is so appealing because our very Leader Himself, Jesus Christ, is the epitome of consistency! Hebrews 13:8 says of Him, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Malachi 3:6a states, “For I the LORD do not change.”
If we really desire to have people hear us when we are attempting to share the Good News with them, they need to know that we are the same off the “stage” as we are on the “stage.”
We know that we can always go to God, and He will always be the same as we talked with Him the last time, the time before, and the time before that. There’s peace in knowing that when you figure that out. Because of the consistency of God’s character, His purposes, and plans “stand firm forever” (Psalm 33:11). His Word is always “true” (Numbers 23:19), “trustworthy” (Psalm 145:13), and “eternal” (Isaiah 40:8).
In the same way, the Apostle Paul guides us to act as our Lord as he encourages us by saying, “Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:58). Because I’m an original language word-geek, I want to show you what those keywords really mean.
1476 hedraíos (an adjective, derived from aphedrōn, "a seat or base") – properly, sit (solidly-based, well-seated); (figuratively) steadfast (firm), morally fixed; firm in purpose (mind); "well-stationed" (securely positioned), not given to fluctuation or "moving off course."
277 ametakínētos (an adjective, derived from 1 /A "not" and 3334 /metakinéō, "move away from") – properly, without movement or change of status (location).
What is attractive to the outside world that we are trying to reach with the gospel of Jesus Christ is that we are always consistent with our message, that we are consistent with our behavior towards the world, and that we are consistent with our morals, values, and love. If we really desire to have people hear us when we are attempting to share the Good News with them, they need to know that we are the same off the “stage” as we are on the “stage.”
“Preach the word [as an official messenger]; be ready [consistent] when the time is right and even when it is not [keep your sense of urgency, whether the opportunity seems favorable or unfavorable, whether convenient or inconvenient, whether welcome or unwelcome]” (2 Timothy 4:2).
The Apostle Paul probably knew this better than anyone. If the saying, “I got the T-shirt,” was around when Paul was alive, I’m sure he would’ve abused the saying. Paul knew that living a life of consistency was hard because life is hard and will challenge us daily. He did, however, give us an excellent nugget to chew on when it comes to keeping the consistency of a Christ-like life as our daily goal―he reminded us that there is an ultimate purpose in doing so.
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9).
Don’t give up on striving to live a consistent, daily Christian walk.
- Even when the times look rough, keep the smile on your face provided by the peace of God.
- Do something nice for somebody when they make you mad.
- Forgive people as our Heavenly Father sent His only Son to forgive us.

Practice consistency and watch God move in your life to embolden you and draw others to Himself by your obedience.
To learn more about Dave Glander, and to book him as a speaker, click HERE.

Posted in Dave Glander
Posted in Dave Glander, Reasons for Hope, consistency, consistent, Hebrews 13:8, Malachi 3:6a, Psalm 33:11, Numbers 23:19, Psalm 145:13, Isaiah 40:8, 1 Corinthians 15:58, 2 Timothy 4:2, Galatians 6:9
Posted in Dave Glander, Reasons for Hope, consistency, consistent, Hebrews 13:8, Malachi 3:6a, Psalm 33:11, Numbers 23:19, Psalm 145:13, Isaiah 40:8, 1 Corinthians 15:58, 2 Timothy 4:2, Galatians 6:9
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