The Truth of the Matter
Originally entitled "Just Be Straight With Me," when posted in 2021, this blog addresses the philosophical dilemma posed by the reality of a global pandemic and its repercussions. Lest we be forgetful hearers, we are reposting this updated version today to remind the readers that truth cannot be relative, and relativism is not livable or sustainable.

We all know that when someone says, "Just be straight with me," they want you to be real with them—they want the truth. So, what is the truth? Ironically, there seems to be quite a bit of confusion surrounding the meaning of this word. The phrase "Speak your truth,” whatever that means, grants those who care to believe it the creative license to redefine reality. Last I checked, which was just a few minutes ago, the word "reality" in the dictionary, the thesaurus, or the universe, for that matter, leaves no room for imagination. It is what it is. Yet, our society has generally fallen prey to denying absolutes and embracing the preferences and opinions of their own beliefs.
Here's a case in point: A while back, our Mic'dUp team asked, "What is truth?" in one of their Man-on-the-Street interviews to identify the thoughts of passers-by on this topic. Responses included:
- "Truth is your version of it, or whatever you think it should be."
- "It has its variations (based on what you're feeling at the time)."
- "Truth is the Word of God."
- "Truth is love."
- "Truth is truth--the way things are--you have to accept it."
Even Pontius Pilate, the magistrate Jesus was sent to before his fate was decided, was seeking to find truth (John 18:37-38a). This interaction between Pilate and Jesus really came to life for me when I took a few minutes (4:20 to be exact) to watch our DeBunked video, THERE IS NO TRUTH ... DeBunked! I would encourage you to watch it now yourself.
A couple of years ago, my son-in-law posted the following essay he wrote regarding this very topic. Our nation's current reality (which no one would deny) poses quite a dilemma for those who would claim that their truth is what they feel it is at the time.
I'll begin with a quote from The God Who Is There (1968) by Dr. Francis Schaeffer, "The present chasm between the generations has been brought about almost entirely by a change in the concept of truth."
When Dr. Schaeffer penned these words fifty-three years ago, he proved himself to be an adept cultural critic. At the time, he was dealing with the commonly accepted notion that truth is relative (relativism). Meaning absolute truth does not exist, or if it does exist, then it is unattainable through human reasoning and efforts. As Dr. Schaeffer convincingly argues in his book, this ideology began in philosophy and continued seeping its way into every aspect of society over a mere handful of generations. Eventually, it became the accepted belief system among (some) Christians and (most) non-Christians alike.
Until COVID-19 entered the scene.
A dramatic shift in the general public's acceptance of "relative truth" occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, and all its surrounding fallout lambasted the false ideology into oblivion.
How did it do this?
When an irrational and intangible belief system is confronted by a rational and tangible threat (i.e. Covid-19, government overreach, financial crisis), one of two things must occur: The threat must be ignored, or the belief system must be altered. The prior option should be deemed insanity, as ignoring a tangible threat is tantamount to suicide, whereas the latter should be cautiously explored.
Belief in facts necessitates belief in absolute truth. Reality exists, regardless of whether we believe in its realness.
We've seen the public's change of this belief system play out in real time, and we are now dealing with the ramifications.
A horde of well-intentioned people have proclaimed at the top of their lungs, "Science is real!" and "We believe the science!" These same people have often cited fact-checkers and statistics to support their positions, completely disregarding the consequence of their citations: Belief in facts necessitates belief in absolute truth. Reality exists, regardless of whether we believe in its realness.
When I was in high school, a common phrase thrown around by both teens and adults was, "You do you," meaning, "Live your life in the way you personally deem as right”—a quintessential espousing of relativism if there ever was one.
COVID-19 has obliterated that ideology of relativism.
This "you do you" philosophy is only viable in the ether.1 It is catastrophic anywhere else. But don't just take my word for it; you've personally seen it displayed through the censoring and canceling of those who've disagreed with the mainstream narrative (political, scientific, social, etc.).
Wait a minute! If truth doesn't exist as an absolute, then why in the world would there be entire platforms attempting to silence voices on the grounds of "false information"? Doesn't false information necessitate the existence of true information? Me thinks so.
What we have witnessed is a classic example of a mainstream philosophy folding under the weight of reality.
________________________________1An area without space, time, or matter; i.e., nothingness
(Written by Pastor Draa Mackey, Lincolnville, Maine)
A follow-up with God's Word says it best: "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:32). God's Word and His love will set you free from the lies that enslave people into believing there is no hope.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
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Posted in Draa Mackey, Holly Varnum
Posted in truth, speak your truth, reality, DeBunked, There is no truth., absolute truth, Dr. Francis Schaeffer, reality exists, John 8:32, John 3:16, Micd Up, Draa Mackey, Holly Varnum
Posted in truth, speak your truth, reality, DeBunked, There is no truth., absolute truth, Dr. Francis Schaeffer, reality exists, John 8:32, John 3:16, Micd Up, Draa Mackey, Holly Varnum
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