Where Have All the Hippies Gone?
Today’s blog was written by speaker and guest blogger, Bob Gillespie. We invite you to read this charge to think biblically in a world has become hostile to the God of the Bible.
The Hippies prided themselves in their ability to think for themselves and not comply with what was expected by society.
Sixty years ago, a nonconformist movement swept the country…the Hippies. The conformists of the day did what society expected of them. Children wanted to grow up and get married, get a job, buy a house with a picket fence, and be a good moral member of society. The Hippies rebelled against that whole scene. They wanted to look and act in a way that showed that they were nonconformists. “Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll” was their mantra of the day. They did anything that portrayed their open rebellion against society.

Boys rebelled against their dads with long hair. People wore shabby and often immodest clothing. Marriage was too conformist, so they set up communes, promoting free sex. Being a responsible person was also being a conformist, so if the government said that drugs were illegal, they wanted to take them all the more. A conformist was patriotic and government-supporting, even when we were at war. The nonconformists wore the US flag on their back sides and protested against wars, carrying signs which said, “Make love, not war.” The Hippies prided themselves in their ability to think for themselves and not comply with what was expected by society. They marched in the streets for free speech. The slogan went something like this: “I may not agree with you, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it.”
Fast forward to the present…
What happened to the nonconformists in society? Have they become the conformists of today? TV shows portray LGBTQ as the norm for society. Children are being groomed sexually—pressured from many aspects of our culture to conform to the ideologies of LGBTQ—while Disney and elementary schools brag about their efforts to propagate this message. Surveys say that 1 in 5 Gen Z identify as LGBTQ+ and those who are not, must celebrate the movement.
(See the chart below— https://www.axios.com/2022/02/17/lgbtq-generation-z-gallup).
Any nonconformists today are told that they are on the wrong side of history, or they are labeled "haters."
(See the chart below— https://www.axios.com/2022/02/17/lgbtq-generation-z-gallup).
Any nonconformists today are told that they are on the wrong side of history, or they are labeled "haters."

What happened to stopping wars? The conformists of this day are parroting the media and calling for the US to go to war against Russia.
What happened to free speech? The conformists will protest anyone who hurts their feelings. Under the guise of hate speech, anything that goes against the official narrative must be shut down.
What happened to free speech? The conformists will protest anyone who hurts their feelings. Under the guise of hate speech, anything that goes against the official narrative must be shut down.
What happened to thinking for yourself? Why is it now so unpopular? Anyone who stands up and thinks for themselves or speaks up against the group think must be shut down. Everyone must conform to group think. The universities were once the hotbed for radical thinking; now the universities are producing conformists who insist that everyone comply.
True biblical Christianity is always marked by individual freedom and freedom of thought. The Protestant Reformation of the 16th century is known for people, i.e., Martin Luther, protesting the status quo, specifically the Catholic church which taught that one can pay money to get people to heaven. Today we hear things just as foolish. When those in charge insist Walmart is essential, but your local store is not, or when they say bars are essential, but churches must close, I say think for yourself. When you hear nonsense like that again (and it will happen again), be a modern-day nonconformist.
What happened to thinking for yourself?
What happened to the days when the Hippies protested against the government? The Hippies rebelled against government drug laws; today the conformists insist that everyone must comply. Everyone must obey, even if the government tells us to take a drug whose efficacy is questionable.
What happened to patriotism? Patriotism was once the norm—the expectation of society. We waved the flag of Memorial Day. Today the patriots are labeled Fascists. What is a Fascist?
Patriots are now the nonconformists. Patriots think for themselves and try to get people to stand up for individual freedom. The Hippies were all about freedom at one time, but 60 years later those same people are now the conformists and are actually standing against freedom.
Fascists insist people comply with the government; they insist everyone must submit to the official government narrative. Fascists also use violence to get their way. In fact, ANTIFA, who claim they are ANTI-fascist, are actually the fascists of the day.
Patriots are now the nonconformists. Patriots think for themselves and try to get people to stand up for individual freedom. The Hippies were all about freedom at one time, but 60 years later those same people are now the conformists and are actually standing against freedom.
We need people who are not ashamed to be different and not embarrassed by the gospel of Jesus Christ.
When biblical thinking was the norm of society, the Hippies rebelled. Now that the liberal unbiblical thinking has become the norm of society, we need the spirit of the Hippies to rise again. We need people courageous enough to stand up for what is right, and to be bold enough to stand up against evil. We need people who are not ashamed to be different and not embarrassed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. The early Christians were the nonconformists of their day. Oh, for the spirit of nonconformity to rise up today.
Where have all the “Hippies” gone?
Where have all the “Hippies” gone?
Romans 12:1,2 NKJV
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Guest Blogger Bio:
Bob and his wife Lois graduated from Cedarville University in Ohio. Bob then received his master’s degree at Clark’s Summit Seminary in PA. They spent 14 years teaching in Christian schools in Ohio and another 10 years teaching missionary kids in West Africa. Upon leaving Africa, the Gillespies felt God’s calling to go into full time apologetics ministry. Learn more about Bob and his ministry by clicking HERE.
Bob and his wife Lois graduated from Cedarville University in Ohio. Bob then received his master’s degree at Clark’s Summit Seminary in PA. They spent 14 years teaching in Christian schools in Ohio and another 10 years teaching missionary kids in West Africa. Upon leaving Africa, the Gillespies felt God’s calling to go into full time apologetics ministry. Learn more about Bob and his ministry by clicking HERE.
We also encourage you to purchase our newest ministry book, Did Jesus Commit Suicide? And 27 Other Questions That Teens Have About the Bible (that adults want to know, too) to help you answer questions from a biblical worldview that teens are asking today. Click HERE.

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Posted in Bob Gillespie
Posted in think for yourself, nonconformist, biblical Christianity, patriotism, not ashamed, stand up against evil, Romans 12:1-2, Bob Gillespie
Posted in think for yourself, nonconformist, biblical Christianity, patriotism, not ashamed, stand up against evil, Romans 12:1-2, Bob Gillespie
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