New Lucy Booklet
I’m praising God that I was able to film all 14 of the new studies that I’ll be doing for our Academy of Hope* Online Classes we’re going to be starting up next year. It was a LOT of work, but I’m so excited to see what the Lord is going to do with our efforts. We’ll be telling you more about this new outreach in the next few months, but let me tell you this. We are pulling out all the stops on this.
At rforh we believe very strongly that we’ve got to pass on the knowledge to this next generation that God has given to us. Our prayer is that through Academy of Hope* we’ll be able to put more of an emphasis on discipling. We need a generation of warriors for the Lord Jesus Christ to stand firm in the face of the craziness that is going to come. Remember, Jesus turned the world upside down with just 12 people. There’s a whole lot more than 12 that love the Lord reading this today, so let’s get busy!
As I started working on my next class I’ve had to really dig in and study. The first class that I just recorded is on the fossil record, big picture! By that I mean we’re going to put a focus on things such as “Phylogenetic Charts” or Family Trees, that are used to teach that slow gradual processes over millions of years is how everything came into being. But in my second class I want to then drill deeper on one specific Family Tree. And that is the Family Tree used to depict human evolution.
We’ll address each of the supposed ancestors that you’ll see on the Human Family Tree at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, plus some that aren’t in there yet. As I’m studying I see that Australopithecus afarensis, better known as Lucy, is still one of the most famous of the supposed ancestors! So, I decided to make a booklet that just dealt with Lucy.
We’d like to give it to you as a gift and ask that you for a couple of things.
1. Please pray for us!!! We need real wisdom to pull this new outreach off.
2. Please consider supporting us in this effort. We are investing quite a bit and appreciate your consideration. It costs us approximately $8,000 to film each class. That’s a significant investment.
3. Take the information and do something with it! It’s no good if we don’t engage the culture.
You can download the booklet here! Lucy Booklet Again, it’s a gift from us, we want you to have it. May God be glorified through our obedience.
I’m praising God that I was able to film all 14 of the new studies that I’ll be doing for our Academy of Hope* Online Classes we’re going to be starting up next year. It was a LOT of work, but I’m so excited to see what the Lord is going to do with our efforts. We’ll be telling you more about this new outreach in the next few months, but let me tell you this. We are pulling out all the stops on this.
At rforh we believe very strongly that we’ve got to pass on the knowledge to this next generation that God has given to us. Our prayer is that through Academy of Hope* we’ll be able to put more of an emphasis on discipling. We need a generation of warriors for the Lord Jesus Christ to stand firm in the face of the craziness that is going to come. Remember, Jesus turned the world upside down with just 12 people. There’s a whole lot more than 12 that love the Lord reading this today, so let’s get busy!
As I started working on my next class I’ve had to really dig in and study. The first class that I just recorded is on the fossil record, big picture! By that I mean we’re going to put a focus on things such as “Phylogenetic Charts” or Family Trees, that are used to teach that slow gradual processes over millions of years is how everything came into being. But in my second class I want to then drill deeper on one specific Family Tree. And that is the Family Tree used to depict human evolution.
We’ll address each of the supposed ancestors that you’ll see on the Human Family Tree at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, plus some that aren’t in there yet. As I’m studying I see that Australopithecus afarensis, better known as Lucy, is still one of the most famous of the supposed ancestors! So, I decided to make a booklet that just dealt with Lucy.
We’d like to give it to you as a gift and ask that you for a couple of things.
1. Please pray for us!!! We need real wisdom to pull this new outreach off.
2. Please consider supporting us in this effort. We are investing quite a bit and appreciate your consideration. It costs us approximately $8,000 to film each class. That’s a significant investment.
3. Take the information and do something with it! It’s no good if we don’t engage the culture.
You can download the booklet here! Lucy Booklet Again, it’s a gift from us, we want you to have it. May God be glorified through our obedience.