Facing the Goliaths in Your Life
Have you ever had a “Goliath” in your life? How do you face them when they come?
Most people feel far more comfortable avoiding conflict than engaging it and would rather walk away from a challenge than face it. A classic biblical example of this is found in the account of David & Goliath (1 Samuel 17). A Philistine giant challenged the entire army of the Israelites and not a single soldier was willing to face the challenge! No one was willing to face the giant, except the young shepherd boy David. (Read about a modern-day David and Goliath face-off at the end of this article.)
David and Goliath
One thing that makes the account of David and Goliath so well-known is the fact that David is seen as a type of the victorious underdog. David is seen as one who can overcome the greatest odds to win and defeat a giant. But this actually misses the main point of the story. The victory that day had little to do with David, instead it was really about David’s God. David simply believed that God would use him to defeat Goliath, as he boldly proclaimed while running toward Goliath, “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.” (1 Sam. 17:45)
Some quick life lessons for facing the challenge:
1) Don’t pay attention to the doubts expressed by the faithless around you (17:33).
There will always be people around you that believe you don’t stand a chance. Their advice is full of reasons why you won’t succeed—immaturity, youth, inexperience, etc. — but they fail to understand that God will be doing the fighting for you.
2) Trust that God is greater than any Goliath you may be facing (17:37)
Sometimes we may face challenges which appear so overwhelming and we may feel that we are no match against such a giant. But the victory of David over Goliath should inspire us and give us great confidence in God for the battles that we face.
3) Prepare for battle (17:40)
David trusted in the Lord, but he knew he needed to prepare for the battle. We must prepare diligently for the battles we face, especially when facing the Goliaths in our lives.
4) Do not fear, but be bold (17:43-47)
Once David was prepared he ran toward Goliath. There was no fear in his heart. His boldness is a testimony to us that if God is for us—who can be against us? (Romans 8:31) We can testify to our faith by action. We should not run away in fear from challenges. We can boldly go forward to face the enemy, trusting God for the outcome.
David vs Goliath?
Reasons for Hopes’ Juan Valdes to face-off with a “Goliath”
On February 16th in Indianola, IA, Reasons for Hope’s Juan Valdes will debate with University of Iowa professor Dr. Hector Avalos.
Although Juan holds a Masters degree and is near completion of his Doctorate, in the world’s eyes he is far “outweighed” by his opponent. Dr. Avalos holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Hebrew Bible and Near Eastern Studies from Harvard University, a Master of Theological Studies from Harvard Divinity School and a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from the University of Arizona. Prior to his renouncing belief in Jesus, Dr. Avalos was a Pentecostal pastor. Juan is a pastor of small congregation in Miami.
The debate will address the question: Is Genesis 1-3 a scientifically reasonable account of the origin of the World?
This could easily be thought of as a modern day David vs. Goliath battle; however, with one notable difference…nobody’s head will be cut off.
The debate will be live-streamed, free of charge. For more information CLICK HERE. (Sign up in the email sign-up box at top of page for updates about the debate)
Most people feel far more comfortable avoiding conflict than engaging it and would rather walk away from a challenge than face it. A classic biblical example of this is found in the account of David & Goliath (1 Samuel 17). A Philistine giant challenged the entire army of the Israelites and not a single soldier was willing to face the challenge! No one was willing to face the giant, except the young shepherd boy David. (Read about a modern-day David and Goliath face-off at the end of this article.)
David and Goliath
One thing that makes the account of David and Goliath so well-known is the fact that David is seen as a type of the victorious underdog. David is seen as one who can overcome the greatest odds to win and defeat a giant. But this actually misses the main point of the story. The victory that day had little to do with David, instead it was really about David’s God. David simply believed that God would use him to defeat Goliath, as he boldly proclaimed while running toward Goliath, “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.” (1 Sam. 17:45)
Some quick life lessons for facing the challenge:
1) Don’t pay attention to the doubts expressed by the faithless around you (17:33).
There will always be people around you that believe you don’t stand a chance. Their advice is full of reasons why you won’t succeed—immaturity, youth, inexperience, etc. — but they fail to understand that God will be doing the fighting for you.
2) Trust that God is greater than any Goliath you may be facing (17:37)
Sometimes we may face challenges which appear so overwhelming and we may feel that we are no match against such a giant. But the victory of David over Goliath should inspire us and give us great confidence in God for the battles that we face.
3) Prepare for battle (17:40)
David trusted in the Lord, but he knew he needed to prepare for the battle. We must prepare diligently for the battles we face, especially when facing the Goliaths in our lives.
4) Do not fear, but be bold (17:43-47)
Once David was prepared he ran toward Goliath. There was no fear in his heart. His boldness is a testimony to us that if God is for us—who can be against us? (Romans 8:31) We can testify to our faith by action. We should not run away in fear from challenges. We can boldly go forward to face the enemy, trusting God for the outcome.
David vs Goliath?
Reasons for Hopes’ Juan Valdes to face-off with a “Goliath”
On February 16th in Indianola, IA, Reasons for Hope’s Juan Valdes will debate with University of Iowa professor Dr. Hector Avalos.
Although Juan holds a Masters degree and is near completion of his Doctorate, in the world’s eyes he is far “outweighed” by his opponent. Dr. Avalos holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Hebrew Bible and Near Eastern Studies from Harvard University, a Master of Theological Studies from Harvard Divinity School and a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from the University of Arizona. Prior to his renouncing belief in Jesus, Dr. Avalos was a Pentecostal pastor. Juan is a pastor of small congregation in Miami.
The debate will address the question: Is Genesis 1-3 a scientifically reasonable account of the origin of the World?
This could easily be thought of as a modern day David vs. Goliath battle; however, with one notable difference…nobody’s head will be cut off.
The debate will be live-streamed, free of charge. For more information CLICK HERE. (Sign up in the email sign-up box at top of page for updates about the debate)
