Lion - Answers for Leaders
While at the lion exhibit make sure to share the following information with those that are with you. The student worksheets have blanks for them to fill in. The answers are in CAPITALS in the following statements:
1. The word "lion" comes from the Latin word LEO, dating back to the year 1735 when the first book on botany was published. (See Fast Facts: Lion, Ep. 1)
2. Lions live in groups of up to 3 mature males and dozens of females called PRIDES. (See Fast Facts: Lion, Ep. 1)
3. Lions have 2 sub-species: they're the ASIATIC and the AFRICAN lions. (See Fast Facts: Lion, Ep. 2)
4. The largest cat on the planet is a LIGER, weighing over 900 pounds. (See Fast Facts: Lion, Ep. 3)
5. A lion's sense of SMELL is so strong they can not only SMELL prey nearby, but they can know HOW LONG it's been there! (See Fast Facts: Lion, Ep. 4)
6. A lion has a bite force of 1000 psi! (See Fast Facts: Lion, Ep. 5)
7. A lion's jaw acts like a pair of SCISSORS, moving back and forth, so they can eat and not destroy their teeth. (See Fast Facts: Lion, Ep. 6).
Here's some additional information for you to share with those that are with you:
A. The heaviest lion on record weighed an amazing 826 pounds. This is still quite a bit smaller than the liger!
B. A lions roar can be heard up to 5 miles away!
C. Lions will drink every day if there’s water, but they can go up to 4 days without a drink. They do have to eat every day though. Females need approximately 11 pounds of meat per day and males 16 pounds.