Luke “Big Boy” Brown

This is my favorite photo of my father. He passed away in 1997. Don’t take the time that you have on this earth for granted. It will go away very quickly. He was actually going to be discharged from the hospital the day that he passed away. We always think that we’ve got more time. It’s not guaranteed, trust me.

This is my dad’s ‘trading card’. Old school all the way. He autographed it for my Aunt Kim.

Luke Brown and Scott Casey

Luke Brown vs. The Bruiser

(Typo Dad never weighed less than 300 until after he retired and lost a lot of weight due to health reasons. It should have read 340!)

Luke Brown and Klondike Bill

Luke Brown and Klondike Bill

Luke Brown and Dutch Savage
They went to high school together, played football and basketball together and were best friends until the day my father died. Uncle Dutch, as I grew up calling him even though he’s not my biological uncle, spoke at my father’s funeral. Dad helped break him into the business. He stared out as “Lonnie Brown” and quickly went on to a huge career in wrestling.
They went to high school together, played football and basketball together and were best friends until the day my father died. Uncle Dutch, as I grew up calling him even though he’s not my biological uncle, spoke at my father’s funeral. Dad helped break him into the business. He stared out as “Lonnie Brown” and quickly went on to a huge career in wrestling.

Luke Brown and Dutch Savage

Home photo, Luke Brown and Dutch Savage

Dad and mom!

Luke Brown in Omaha

Luke Brown in Omaha

Luke Brown in Omaha

Another tag team that he had while in Minnesota, Igor Vodik.

Luke Brown – Rip Hawk and Swede Hansen

Luke Brown – Bob Orton

Luke Brown – Bob Orton 2

Luke Brown – Bob Orton 3

Luke Brown and Fred Atkins (Fred Atkins is the one who trained my father to be a professional wrestler. Dad always said that he was “double tough”. I understand that’s a big compliment! I guess he beat the snot of of my father breaking him in because he really respected him.)