How can I fully articulate how much has happened this year in as short a manner as possible? I know you don’t want a long, drawn-out letter, but I want you to know how big of an impact your support has had and continues to have. So, here we go!
These are the highlights from an incredibly impactful year of ministry, as well as an appeal for your continued support:
These are the highlights from an incredibly impactful year of ministry, as well as an appeal for your continued support:
- We have a BRAND NEW app that is unbelievable! Everything that we’ve ever produced digitally is being uploaded there. You can find it at or the app store.
- We sent Dave Glander to Nigeria where he was part of a conference that one of the largest churches in the world was holding. Now they want Reasons for Hope to come back and train leaders & pastors in the future. They are hungry for apologetics for their young people.
- We spoke at nine youth camps across the country, seeing many young people make professions of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
- We hired staff to start writing our DeBunked Curriculum and to produce our Reasons for Hope video programs.
- We produced five new DeBunked videos this year, and the responses have been amazing.
- Speaking of video, we now have many of our shows being viewed on TV stations in Georgia, Florida, Hawaii, and South Africa. Our radio shows are now heard across the globe with Voice of Christian Youth and Calvary Chapel networks.
- We asked and you graciously answered with financial support, to make the DeTour2021: DeIslands happen. The trip was not without its roadblocks as the travel restrictions in Hawaii prohibited us from being able to bring the Mic’d Up team and go on the streets. However, we were still able to speak for 2 weeks at over 40 venues to help train up the next generation. The youth events were especially impactful, as they are taking what they learned to their schools and engaging in other outreach. Thank you for helping make this outreach happen.
- We made the tough decision to join the social media platform TikTok. We need to be on the platforms where the younger generation is viewing content and we’ve had great initial success with nearly 1,000,000 views in just a few months.
- We held four “Reasons for Worship” training seminars with Brian Scoggin. Worship pastors as well as others, were challenged to truly WORSHIP the Lord.
These items are just the tip of the iceberg. One constant is the need to be on-site. Even though traveling is tough, we find people crave personal contact. We need to be there. Our speakers have spoken in over 200 unique venues this year. Our team, that includes you, is having an impact, and yes, we need your continued support.
Please feel free to reach out to any of us if you would like to learn more. The battle for this generation is getting tougher and tougher every day. With your help, we are having an impact in the social media world and with boots on the ground. It is imperative we offer the message of Hope in all those venues. To do that, we need your help. It takes resources to accomplish this impact.
Please feel free to reach out to any of us if you would like to learn more. The battle for this generation is getting tougher and tougher every day. With your help, we are having an impact in the social media world and with boots on the ground. It is imperative we offer the message of Hope in all those venues. To do that, we need your help. It takes resources to accomplish this impact.
Our mission, "to train and equip a new generation to stand boldly on the Word of God," is gaining momentum as our speakers and resources are reaching millions. You are part of making that possible and we truly appreciate it.
We greatly appreciate you being a part of the team, and we greatly appreciate you considering giving to our ministry. We know there are many good ministries out there and do not take your support of your resources or prayers for granted. Thank you for partnering with us to keep this ministry moving forward.
Stay Bold!
Carl Kerby and rforh team
Stay Bold!
Carl Kerby and rforh team
Becoming a Reasons for Hope Monthly Supporter
When you donate to Reasons for Hope, you are making it possible for us to respond with needed resources. With your pledges, we can continue to train and equip the next generation (and the adults that engage with them) to empower and encourage you and them in the faith (1 Peter 3:15).
Your donation will help us reach these GOALS:
- $8000 – Fund a Brand NEW DeBunked Video
- $18,000 – Fund 4 Equip Camps for 2022
- $32,000 – Fund all DeBunked Videos in Spanish
- $64,000 – Produce a Documentary