We are excited you dropped by.  Scroll down to see some new things we have for you.

7 Things That Will Help You Share Your Faith

(Without feeling like a goof). Get some great insights and tips on how to effectively share your faith in a way that is authentic and conversational.

7 Objections You May Encounter When Sharing Your Faith

In this document, seven of the more common objections raised in conversations about the gospel are addressed.  Be prepared to give answers!

Noah’s Ark: Is The Record Valid

Could all those animals really fit on that boat? Read and find out.

Is The God of the Old Testament a Moral Monster?

Can God be immoral? Do His commands and actions in the Old Testament betray His goodness? Read this and discover the truth.

March of Progress

The truth about the March of Progress: DeBunking one of the most misleading images in history!

Lucy: Unlinked

Does all the so-called evidence on the alleged “missing link,” Lucy, add up? Download this PDF and see for yourself.
Almost all the content we have at your fingertips.
We appreciate you dropping by and hope you’ll be blessed by our content!  Our mission is to train and equip a new generation to stand boldly on God’s Word.

Reasons for Hope is a non-profit organization. Because of the generous support of our donors and partners, all of our digital content is free to everyone. If you find it helpful and useful please share it.  Have a great day!