Look Inside

(click on book below for sample chapter)

Why these Questions?

When we go to camps, churches, schools, or other speaking events, we hand out index cards to the young people and tell them: “Write down the questions that are keeping you from selling out for the Lord Jesus Christ, because THAT’S what we’ll be addressing while we’re with you.”

From those questions arose our Table of Contents.

Did Jesus commit suicide? Isn’t that a sin?
Why does God create homosexuals and then condemn them?
Why is pornography so wrong?
Did God use evolution to create the world?
Is Hell Really Forever?
Aren’t there contradictions in the Gospels?
How Can I Fight and Overcome Fear?
Why do my parents feel like they need to shove Christianity down my throat?

and more...


Christian youth are facing more diverse challenges than any other time in history.  Unfortunately, many Christian parents are not equipped to mentor their own children.  Reasons for Hope is an excellent ministry, and their book, Did Jesus Commit Suicide? is an exceptional resource for every Christian.  If you sincerely want to work towards being used of God to your fullest potential, having answers to life’s questions is essential.  This book will be a powerful resource for all who read it!

—Jay Seegert
Author of Creation & Evolution: Compatible or In Conflict? 
Founder and Director of The Starting Point Project

Young people today are asking crucially important questions about the credibility of the biblical worldview.  This book is full of some of the most thought-provoking.  As Christian parents, ministers, and influencers of the next generation, we need to be ready with gracious and reasonable answers.  If you are looking for a resource that will help you better understand and reach the next generation for Jesus Christ, I cannot recommend this book highly enough!

—Jason Carlson
 President of Christian Ministries International

Bold teens asking bold questions and getting bold answers. That pretty well sums up Carl Kerby’s newest book, Did Jesus Commit Suicide—and 27 Other Questions Teens Are Asking. Carl and the other authors who provide answers know teens—and that’s important. But more significant is that they know God and His Word, which form the firm foundation of the answers they give. Written in a down-to-earth, straight-forward, conversational style, this book is very welcome and much needed for teens—and for parents and youth leaders—if we are going to have a generation that will truly ‘Stay bold’ for the Savior and His truth.

—Julaine Appling 
President of Wisconsin Family Action

Teens today are faced with a growing number of perplexing questions that challenge their faith. Abandoning any hope that there are solid answers, their faith erodes, their foundation crumbles and sadly, many are joining the ranks of skeptics and scoffers. Addressing this critical matter, Carl Kerby and contributing writers tackle these questions head-on by upholding the absolute authority of God’s Word to present solid Biblical answers to these questions. The reader is left encouraged, strengthened, and firmly established in biblical truth.

—Jim Schneider 
Executive Director of VCY America
Host of CrossTalk America and InFocus-TV