Each of our speakers is uniquely qualified to “rightly divide the Word of Truth” and connect with a wide range of audiences. Because our heartbeat is to break the cycle of spiritual apathy among our teens, we meet them where they are and embolden their parents and grandparents to nurture them to “love the LORD with all their heart, soul, and mind.”

EQUIP Retreat is our summer apologetics camp designed to help Christian teens own, share, and defend their faith. With 12 years of proven impact, it offers a transformational experience with an eternal return by equipping teens with biblical confidence to strengthen their faith and inspire lifelong discipleship.

“Today’s youth are bombarded with false narratives from the world around them, and they are hungry for the truth.”
– Carl Kerby

Our discipleship emphasis focuses on teaching youth HOW to think, rather than what to think. This approach enables them to filter fallacies and discern truth that aligns with God’s Word. By addressing their questions, we encourage them to research and study independently, igniting a desire to share the gospel and disciple others.